Thanks for your booking with us at Essential Feeling, Central London.
Please read the below FULLY. Here’s everything yo need for your appointment.
- Please complete this consultation form asap. If this is your first appointment or you haven’t been to us for 1 year or more please complete this form and ensure you read the disclaimer at the end because by clicking the submit button you are returning the completed form to us you are accepting this.
- Leading up to your appointment, it’s really helpful if you ensure your phone is switched on and easily accessible in case there are any last-minute adjustments or if I need assistance finding your location, being reachable is essential for a seamless experience.
- Terms and conditions & privacy policy
Some post op lipo care you may find helpful
We’re not doctors, but we have experience from years of helping clients post operatively and have gathered some information that you may find helpful. If in doubt though, ALWAYS speak with your surgeon. If you’d like to book the vitamin injections to help with your healing, please let us know ahead of time so that we can ensure we have everything we need for this. Prices are: Vitamin C £40, Vitamin B12 £25 Vitamin B Complex £35 Vitamin D £50. Please also check out some items you’ll need following your surgery.
Just type ‘EssentialFeeling’ into the basket at either Lipoelastic or Macom Medical to get the best compression garments at a discount.
What to expect between your surgery and seeing us
Karen Botha MAR
Your post operative MLD specialist
Wellness Blog
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Working with Harley Street & Knightsbridge Clinics
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