Infertility and Subfertility

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What is infertility (or sub fertility) in relation to Natural Fertility?

 The myths around the terms associated with natural fertility vary.

If, despite your strongest attempts, it’s been 12 months or more and you haven’t conceived, then this is infertility.

Or, if you have conceived at least once, but are struggling for a subsequent child, then this is sub fertility. This is regardless of whether you’re seeking natural conception, or IVF, etc.

Understanding the Fertile Window and Ovulation

One crucial aspect often overlooked in discussions about natural fertility is the understanding of the fertile window and the process of ovulation. The fertile window represents the period in a woman’s menstrual cycle when pregnancy is most likely to occur, typically spanning six days that end on the day of ovulation. Ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary, is a key event in the menstrual cycle. Identifying this window can significantly enhance a couple’s chances of conceiving naturally. Various methods, including tracking menstrual cycles and using ovulation predictor kits, can help in pinpointing this fertile period. By closely monitoring these signs, couples can better time intercourse to coincide with the fertile window, thereby maximizing their chances of achieving pregnancy. For more detailed insights into optimizing natural fertility, exploring resources like Reproductive Facts can be incredibly beneficial.

Tell me about fertility reflexology to improve Natural Fertility

Reflexology is a proven traditional holistic therapy.

It dates back 3,000 years, during which they have identified it as a natural fertility treatment.

Thus, the therapy is fruitful in assisting females with PCOS and endometriosis, amongst other hindrances to natural fertility in becoming pregnant.

About natural fertility?

Stress contributes towards infertility.

So, both mental and physical disorders result in subfertility.

This is because your body ‘forgets’ about elements that are less crucial to life. It compromises getting pregnant. And instead, it diverts the energy it would have used to maintain your reproductive system into processing this stress.

Thus, stress affects your natural virility and therefore ease of conceiving.

Therefore, in this situation, many individuals cannot conceive and end up struggling to become pregnant and, for instance, even undergoing IVF, clomid, insemination.

Fertility reflexology does not require the high cost of IVF. Nor the exhausting procedure of medical egg collection. But, it is often the initial step a couple takes on their path to solve natural fertility problems.

The Impact of Diet and Nutrition on Natural Fertility

Diet and nutrition play pivotal roles in enhancing natural fertility for both men and women. Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, such as folate and zinc, can significantly improve fertility by neutralizing free radicals that may damage sperm and egg cells. Additionally, incorporating foods that are high in antioxidants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, into one’s diet can be a proactive step towards boosting fertility. It’s also advisable to avoid trans fats and opt for healthier fat sources, as trans fats have been linked to increased risks of ovulatory infertility. For individuals with PCOS, managing carbohydrate intake and choosing complex carbs over refined ones can help regulate insulin levels, which is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance and enhancing fertility. For more comprehensive guidance on how diet affects fertility and practical tips for dietary adjustments, visiting Healthline’s fertility tips can offer valuable insights.

Lifestyle Modifications for Boosting Fertility

Lifestyle choices significantly influence natural fertility. Engaging in moderate exercise can improve fertility in both men and women by promoting hormonal balance and enhancing overall health. However, it’s crucial to find a balance, as excessive exercise might adversely affect fertility. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and the use of recreational drugs are detrimental to fertility and should be avoided by those trying to conceive. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight is essential, as being either underweight or overweight can impact fertility by affecting menstrual function and sperm quality. For couples exploring natural fertility enhancement, making informed lifestyle adjustments can be a powerful step towards achieving their parenthood goals. Resources like UCLA Health’s natural fertility advice provide expert insights into making these lifestyle changes effectively.

What is reflexology?

First, there is no magic wand. But fertility reflexology aims to balance your body and, in particular, your hormones. So, this makes it as smooth as possible for your body to cope with the external pressures of modern life. And this helps your natural fertility.

Reflexology works similarly to acupuncture by clearing the channels that your body uses to connect one functioning part with another.

So, for example; if your body uses a metaphorical road to pass the messages from one area to another and there is a landslide blocking the way; until that landslide has gone away, the messages won’t pass down the road to their correct and final destination.

Therefore, if we can remove the ‘landslide’, then your hormonal messaging system has more chance of arriving at their end destination. This improves your natural fertility. And therefore gives you more chance of becoming pregnant.

Conditions that may respond well to Fertility Reflexology & thus improve your natural fertility

General stress
Menstrual cycle problems, e.g. irregular and heavy periods, interrupted or non-existent cycles
PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)
Hormonal imbalances
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
Previous ectopic pregnancy
Cervical problems, e.g. overproduction of mucus and blocking
Polycystic ovaries
Adhesions (scar tissue) from surgery
Pelvic inflammatory disease, including infection of any part of the female reproductive tract

What are barriers to natural fertility?

Stress is huge. You can not underestimate how much stress can affect your ability to conceive. It drains us. We’ve all done it. Had a busy day at work and then come home and hit the wine to relax.

The energy that our body uses to deal with stress means we can’t then use it elsewhere. This means our body will think that we can’t cope with being pregnant on top of everything else. Because we only have limited energy.

Plus, we’re adding additional toxins in order to calm down. So these then need extra energy to flush out.

And so starts a cycle of our bodies, thinking that we can cope with the mental and physical stresses of pregnancy. So, this depletes our natural fertility.

We understand this and can guide you. It’s not about giving everything up—it’s about working towards achieving a balance that is right for you.

Can Reflexology help men with this problem?

In short—yes! Statistics show male infertility is affects around 25% of sub fertility cases. Fertility reflexology may help man’s conception success by re-balancing the body in the same was as it would for a female.

Your guide to some lesser known terms
  • Fertile window: Understanding your fertile window can significantly increase your chances of conceiving naturally.
  • Ovulation predictor kits: Ovulation predictor kits are a useful tool for identifying the most fertile days in your cycle.
  • Antioxidants: Incorporating antioxidants like folate and zinc into your diet can improve both sperm and egg cell health.
  • Trans fats: Avoiding trans fats is crucial for maintaining optimal fertility levels.
  • PCOS: For those with PCOS, managing carbohydrate intake can help regulate insulin levels and enhance fertility.
  • Moderate exercise: Engaging in moderate exercise can have positive effects on your fertility and overall well-being.
  • Menstrual function: Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for regular menstrual function, which is closely tied to fertility.
  • Sperm quality: Lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, can significantly impact sperm quality.

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