Fertility massage when trying to conceive
If you’re trying to get pregnant, then this page covers information about fertility massage, but you’ll also want to read the rest of our information to help you when you’re trying to conceive. There are lots of information about infertility on the fertility reflexology page here, so check that out when you’ve finished. But, suffice to say, at Essential Feeling we specialise in working with couples who are attempting to conceive and are at the point where they’re thinking that all may be lost.
Karen Botha MAR
Your Fertility Expert at Essential Feeling Romford
Questions & Answers
What is a fertility massage?
Fertility massage is a unique series of massage techniques that work the key areas to help women who are trying to conceive. It helps to get the blood flowing which delivers the nutrients to the areas that need them for improved fertility. This is particularly useful if you AMH is low. Test is here.
What areas does fertility massage work?
No session is exactly the same as we make sure we’re working the areas that are specifically causing you problems when you’re grappling with infertility. The main areas we’ll cover are you back and abdominals down to the top of your pubic bone to stimulate your uterus.
When should you do fertility massages?
You can do them throughout your cycle.
Conditions that may respond well to Fertility Massage*Endometriosis
*Polycystic ovaries
*Adhesions (scar tissue) from surgery
*Pelvic inflammatory disease inc infection of any part of the female reproductive tract
*Unexplained infertility
*Menstrual cycle problems e.g. irregular and heavy periods, interrupted or non-existent cycles
*PMS (pre menstrual syndrome)
*Hormonal imbalances
*Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
*Previous ectopic pregnancy
*Cervical problems e.g. over production of mucus and blocking
Can Fertility massage help men with this problem?
Yes. Fertility reflexology helps to identify areas of imbalance and then in the same way as we do with ladies we use this information to help to identify areas that will benefit from a physical massage to help restore your body’s natural rhythm as quickly as possible.
Can I do fertility massage during my ovulation? Can I pick and choose my weeks according to my cycle?
Yes of course you can have just fertility reflexology some weeks and then bolt this onto the weeks where you feel comfortable. We’re not going to pressure you into anything. This is an option, there is no pressure for when you need to see us. We’ll give you guidelines and within that, it’s down to you to do what is right for you and your personal situation. It’s entirely up to you when you feel like having one.
You can have one or even a few at first to kick start your sessions, you can have them randomly if you feel like it or if something comes up in your reflexology sessions (although if you haven’t pre-booked we can’t guarantee availability), or as part of your normal routines.
Why is my back important when I’m trying to have a baby?
Your central nervous system runs down your spine. This carries messages from your hypothalamus which is a part of your brain that is the hub of hormonal messages, down to your reproductive area. If they block these messages from getting where they need to go, because for example, your back has tight muscles which crush your nerve messages, then you fertility and/ or cycle could be affected
By helping make sure your back is in great condition, we make sure your hormonal messages get from your brain right to the point where they need to end up.
There are also pressure points (Acupressure) on your back which your massage therapist will work as part of the routine. When you turn over for your abdomen massage, we’ll also cover off the relevant pressure points on your front.
We’ll explain all of this and reasons for a multitude of other tips, food to avoid, research to find, when to have sex etc etc that will help you increase your chances of getting pregnant during your fertility sessions so that you learn as well as having a relaxing therapy.
Why do you massage my intestines to help improve my fertility?
If your intestines aren’t working 100% as they should it will make it more difficult to conceive as there will be toxins lingering around near your reproductive area.
We’re of the opinion that despite how hard you try, you are still finding it hard to conceive, then every little helps. Removing unwanted, and let’s face it, unneeded toxins from your system can only be a good thing. Therefore fertility massage is an effective massage protocol.
Can massages increase fertility?
A pure massage doesn’t focus on fertility, but when you book a fertility massage, especially because at Essential Feeling we only do fertility massage along with fertility reflexology. And then we really start to button down on improving the flow of hormonal messages from your brain to your reproductive area.
The reflexology session identifies areas of imbalance that could benefit from direct work through fertility massage as well as the indirect through the pressure points in the feet with reflexology.
This information feeds in to your fertility massage.
Generally though, when you are contending with infertility there are certain areas that will be at the top of the list for being worked. Your reproductive area is one, another is your mid to lower back and intestines.
How long before we start to see results?
This depends on many individual factors including how long you have had the problems that are giving you problems when you’re trying to conceive, how severe these are, how committed you are to making any necessary lifestyle changes and how affected you are by outside issues such as stress. There really is no average. You’re a unique individual and so then are your circumstances.
What will happen during the fertility massage?
By this point we will have been through your consultation form and you’ll have had reflexology. We’ll understand what barriers if any you feel are preventing success when you’re trying to conceive and we’ll have the points of imbalance from your reflexology. This will all be fed in to your fertility massage therapy session. Generally you’ll undress to your lower underwear and cover yourself with a towel. Your therapist will come in to the room when you call them in.
Why would I not be able to have fertility massage?
There are a few things that mean fertility massage wouldn’t be advised, in this instance you usually can still have fertility reflexology.
massage romford
Will working this area have a negative impact if I’m already pregnant?
Imagine you’re in the kitchen and you bend over and press your stomach against the counter top. This is the kind of pressure that we’ll be using in this area and so this is why we’re happy to give you fertility massage throughout your cycle because if it were going to have any negative effect on you trying to conceive, then pretty much so would daily life. Our bodies are built to withstand daily life through a healthy pregnancy.
When should I come for my fertility massage?
Anytime is fine. We work with women and couples at all stages of their fertility journey, from just about ready to start trying for a baby, all the way through to multiple attempts at IVF and other assisted conception options.
Who will be doing my sessions?
Karen is our specialist in fertility reflexology and all things fertility wise. Charlie is our massage therapist. Reviews about them are on our reviews page and you may find yourself in either of their capeable hands.
Is there a consultation process?
Yes. We’ll send you over a consultation form on email prior to your appointment, You can either return this to us on email prior to your session, or if it’s easier to print this out and bring it along with you to your appointment, then that’s fine too.
When you arrive we’ll chat through your consultation form to fully understand everything and then we’ll develop your very own treatment plan tailored to your needs.
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Once you book
To book please feel free to text us on 07757 946023 and we’ll come back to you as soon as we’re free. When you message please let us know if you’d like only the 1 hour fertility massage or 1.5 hour slot to include reflexology for infertility and a half hour fertility massage.