Skin rejeuvenation — an intro
At Essential Feeling, Romford, Essex, we believe that skin rejeuvenation should be about as natural as it can be. This is why we use RF (radio frequency) therapy to stimulate your body to produce more collagen and elastin.
The treatment means that we’re not adding anything to your body, and therefore it doesn’t then go off and treat it as a foreign body and expel as much as possible as though it were a toxin. Instead, by stimulating your body to send more collagen and elastin to rejeuvenate your skin cells naturally, our body understands that we mean it to be there, and we are left with all the good stuff, exactly where we want it to be.
For sure, we continue to age. But we do so from this modified benchmark. The effects of our skin rejuvenation procedure don’t wear out.
Karen Botha MAR
Co-Owner & Therapist at Essential Feeling, Romford
Questions & Answers
What can we offer you that other clinics can't?
Well, let’s be honest, I’m sure there is someone out there who offers the same as us in Essex or even London. But, in a nutshell, here’s why we think you should choose us for all your skin rejeuvenation therapies:
- We are owner managed. This means we care like no other about your treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction. You book in with us, and we carry out your treatment. No exceptions.
- Our prices are competitive. It’s more important to us to have many satisfied clients who pay a fair price for an excellent service and then go on to give us great online reviews.
- The radiofrequency and skin cavitation machine that we use is top of the range. It’s so good it’s used by the NHS. We don’t compromise on quality.
- Of course we are fully trained, but more than that, because we invested our personal hard earned cash in the machine we use for skin rejeuvenation, then not only made sure that it actually works first, but we don’t settle at simple basic training. We are constantly researching skin conditions and how we can help you. Our expertise doesn’t just end at wrinkles and line reduction, not even sagging skin. We put in the time. And this shows in your service levels.
How does radiofrequency skin rejeuvenation work?
We have an electric powered radio frequency machine. It is one of the best on the market, researched and manufactured by four physicists and used by the NHS. When the heat that this machine is applied to our skin, we heat it to different temperatures based on where you want us to rejuvenate your skin. For instance, your facial skin is thinner than your abdomen so is heated to a lower, scientifically proven, temperature.
Will I have a reaction to the heat?
There is very little that can go wrong with the radiofrequency machine that we have invested in. That’s why the NHS use it. Even if you have hypersensitivity, your reactions are likely to be limited to a little red skin in the area for a maximum of a few hours.
This is because we’re just giving your body a nudge in the right direction rather than layering on a topical chemical or injecting fillers or botox into your skin. These are the things that can bring about reactions. We don’t even need to do a patch test, because what we’re doing is simply stimulating a normal healing reaction. Except that because we’re only triggering this reaction before there is anything to heal, treatments become safe and effective. And they don’t just last a matter of weeks.
How long do treatments last?
This isn’t one of those sessions where we’re using products that have a limited shelf life. We’re using pulsed sound and heat to penetreate down to the epidermis. It works a little like an immunogenic so factors such as the product (e.g. serum) that is meant to enhance your skin running out don’t feature. There isn’t a point where you’ll be returned to the point you started. You’ll just continue to age from this new point.
There is however a process that we go through to ensure you get the best possible extracellular results. By following these guidelines, this is how you get the elevation in your end result.
We’re working with your extracellular matrix architecture to enhance the concentration of skin rejeuvenation products in our natural skin composition. If you think about granulomatous reactions then this is how we’re using heat to improve our cosmetic skin tone.
And so, because we are building the effects of our body’s natural healing process through this synthesis, it takes several sessions to achieve our results. Typically we work with guideline parameters of six sessions per patient, and then following that we can have a discussion about how and if you would like to maintain this to stave off the natural ageing process.
Everyone’s skin works differently and so there is a level of testing along the way until you find the right pattern for you.
What's the comparison with untreated areas?
We have some before and after shots which show the effects of our practices.
Chin before and after
Cheeks before and after
Tighten skin in upper and deeper layers and eradicate cellulite
Directly after your treatment you’ll be able to get on with your day. You won’t have any anesthetics and we’d argue there is no pain at all as we’re not using microneedle intradermal injections. We’re not peeling your skin and so there are no (not even partial) consequences to the positive major improvements to your tissue components. Your sessions are a fast and effective way to encourage your body into converting more elastin which improves skin elasticity, removes wrinkles and lines and prevents sagging.
radiofrequency skin clinic romford
Does this use ablative laser?
No the delivery of radio frequency only uses heat via pulsed electric fields, it’s non ablative. Unlike some other methods which remove the basal dermal layer of your skin, we cause no damage. Only a healing response.
If we use some cavitation, then these methods also use sound, but you can now see how the system is so safe (using our state-of-the-art machine) and yet has excellent results to how we improve your skin tone, laxity and general appearance.
The non ablative nature of our pulse based radio frequency therapy means that you don’t have any of the increased risk of a rash, or papules on your skin. You can go back to wearing makeup straight away if you choose — even in the exact local areas you’ve received treatment.
Therefore medical professionals and plastic surgeons recommend us post surgery when their patients are left with sagging skin. The potential effects of skin tightening are not only safe post surgery, but effective. We apply the treatment topically in the exact shape of the space you want tightening. This isn’t the case with most alternative solutions.
What is RF therapy good for?
We introduce radiofrequency for several skin rejeuvenation needs.
- Fine lines and wrinkle reduction and generally smoothing the surface of your skin without hydrochloride peels
- Skin tightening and sagging, e.g. post weight loss, with general age
- Reduction of stubborn pockets of fat e.g. to reduce BMI prior to IVF
During our therapy, we use not only our certified training, but a patient receives empirical treatment. We can use the hours and months we have spent working on and during which we have treated clients with similar untreated skin rejeuvenation needs and provide examples of basal levels of expected improvements. We then work with clients over an intensive three weeks and from thereon in, based on how each individual patient’s skin is adapting, we will then seek to support their collagen content ratio going forward. Essentially, from this point onwards, you will need some more work, but your standard cosmetic tray will be vastly reduced.
Deep oscillation
We also use deep oscillation via a separate machine to break down scars and scar tissue. Again, with no injection, microneedling etc. We developed the duration of each individual part of your treatment around your needs. As is the voltage of the radio frequency or deep oscillation.
Laser Resurfacing Rehabilitation is successfully used to remove wrinkles, correct acne scars and improve ageing of sun-damaged skin and skin
Laser treatment evaporates wrinkles as the therapy stimulates our body into replacing them with fresh skin cells.
DEEP OSCILLATION® can relieve swelling, redness (including burst blood vessels), and edema much faster after an invasive procedure. We can use this in conjunction with radiofrequency therapy and cavitation if we choose. This allows our patients to see the results of their treatment much faster, including dealing painlessly with fat lumps post surgery including Erythema nodosum.
There is scientific proof that these functions work, unlike many of the giant cosmeceuticals on the market today. Editors agree writing many articles on the subject. For instance, this one published their findings as well as a good induction of skin information in ‘Get the Gloss.’
Is this a dermatology function?
No we are not doctors. We work closely with and are approved by consultants and surgeons, but our skin rejeuvenation focusses purely on stimulating transdermal delivery to enhance collagen growth naturally within your skin without physical penetration (microneedles) or any drug delivery. This is known as collagenesis. We use a combination of radio frequency therapy, ultrasonic cavitation and/ or deep oscillation in each session as required.
We are however able to do an examination of the external area and give you an idea of the expected progressive improvement in this and the surrounding areas.
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