
Below are a list of therapies we offer at Essential Feeling to help you when you’re suffering, from bereavement and feeling lonely after losing a loved one.

Coping with bereavement, should be about you getting the best therapy to suit your individual needs, so we have a simple pricing system which allows your therapist(s) to use a mix of their skills and give you the best possible result without worrying about whether it fits within a specific package.

If you would like to clarify which session will help you the most after losing someone you love, then please text or call us on 07941 668456.


Essential Feeling massage reflexology Romford, Gidea park logo with candle

Deep Tissue Massage for Grief

Grief Therapy Experience

Reflexology for Grief

Reiki for Grief

Swedish Massage for Grief


Dealing with a bereavement

When you’re dealing with bereavement, getting some grief treatment is paramount to helping you feel better after the death of a loved one. But, sometimes, grief treatment isn’t about taking pills or talking it through, sometimes, it’s just loving yourself and allowing your head some space to process. However you’re grieving, we’re here to help you on your road to recovery.

That’s what we do at Essential Feeling. We give you a safe space to acknowledge your bereavement and work through your personal grief treatment plan in a way that works for you.

But grief is complicated.

Grief therapy is complicated and that’s why each grief and loss treatment therapy at Essential Feeling is specially designed to offer you a unique benefit to help you combat YOUR bereavement. For instance, a deep tissue massage for grief will break down muscle tension from lack of movement and a tense demeanour, whilst reiki for grief will work at the other end of the scale and gently give you quiet headspace as e.g. treatment for depression. And then, there is everything in between.

Grief therapy — to talk or not to talk

If you’d like to chat through your thoughts in a safe environment, then your therapists are happy to do this. We are not trained specifically to treat psychotherapy or mental health, (although Karen your MAR reflexologist is a certified counsellor and experienced in grief counselling) but we are compassionate people who have each lost someone ourselves and understand how painful and debilitating death is when you’re left behind.

You may not want to talk specifically about your physical pain, grief and loss, it could be more to do with the frustrations of interpersonal relationships with family and friends not understanding what you’re going through, or anger that they’re getting on with their lives while you deal with prolonged grief. It could even be anger that the person you lost left you. These are all normal emotions and appropriate feelings on top of your intense reaction of overwhelming sadness. If you want a place to vent, we’re here for that and to provide support, as part of the complicated grief process you’re navigating.

Which of the therapies you select will also depend on the type of loss treatment you’re looking for. If you’re dealing with traumatic grief such as from a suicide for instance, you can typically need a different therapy to someone searching for ways of treating chronic and unremitting grief or prolonged grief disorder. It’s also important to note that we experience bereavement as a result of impending loss, such as when we get a cancer or other serious illness diagnosis or if someone we love is out of our help e.g. a patient in and out of clinical rehab and our fear that they’re not recovering.

Preparing for an impending bereavement

We’re not just focused on strategies that help you with coping with the loss when it has happened, preparing for it can also be tough and we’re fully prepared to be caregivers if you’re struggling with all facets of grief treatment.

Likewise everyone is experiencing grief and loss differently. Two people would, in theory, suffer the exact same loss under the exact same circumstances and they will still cope with that pain of losing someone differently. While you may shut yourself away, others will have severe grief outpouring. Because, we all experience loss and grief personal to us and our emotions.

Get in touch

Take your time, do your research and seek out what each option involves. Call us if you like, we’re always happy to chat through our health treatments to help you identify your natural fit. And if you want us to put something different together, that is no problem at all. The ideas listed on the page above are just that. We know that everyone’s symptoms of grief are unique and so you may need treatment specifically aimed at the way you’re suffering from grief.

It’s important to note that these holistic therapy techniques are not a replacement for medication, cbt (cognitive behavioural therapy), and other more traditional trauma and anxiety disorder treatments. But, it is an approach which is there as additional options/ complementary therapy if you decide it is right to support you and positively affect your life healing goals.

Get in touch with us now on 07941 668456

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