Essential Feeling massage

Lymphatic drainage massage London
07757 946023
Karen Botha MAR reflexologist at Essential Feeling Gidea Park, Romford who specialises in fertility

Lymphatic drainage massage London

If you’re looking for lymphatic drainage massage London, then look no further. I’m not only a specialist in MLD working in the heart of Central London near Harley Street, but many of the top London cosmetic surgeons refer their patients to me for post vaser liposuction aftercare.

What’s more is that I completely understand what you are going through after you’ve had your surgery. How your fluid retention and swelling can be scary. And how you’ll more than likely be having regrets about going in for the treatment at all. Because, not only have I been working in this field for years, but I’ve also been through the same process having had vaser liposuction myself.

I know how much pain you are in, how lymph fluid coming out of your body in the hours straight after your surgery is horrifying. But I’m also a professional who has the training and the expertise to guide you through the process with all the love and support you need. I’ll recommend if more or less movement is required, I’ll explain how the different elements of your fat removal surgery have affected your body and the healing process you’re going through at the relevant stages.

Plus, I’ll help your tissue heal from injury with a light pressure therapy that works deep into your tissues and will reduce your pain, improve your mobility and swelling and is part of a plan that we’ll pull together based on your healing rate.

Karen Botha

Co-Owner and MLD specialist


Questions & Answers


Is lymphatic drainage massage London a physio outlet?

You can think about it as physio for your damaged tissue if you like because this manual form of therapy is about improving your health and speed of healing. But, it doesn’t involve you moving your arm or leg in rotations of x amount of times a day. Instead, you come here; you relax on a massage table and literally switch off or chat, whichever you prefer, for an hour.

And lymphatic drainage massage London really is that gentle. The day after surgery, you will relax and enjoy your treatments. If you’d like to book the red light therapy, then you can do this at each session (London). 


How will I feel after having a treatment by lymphatic drainage massage London

You’ll be relaxed, you’ll be less swollen and you’ll feel lighter. Mentally and physically. You’ll also feel more in control because we’ll work together, so you have all the information you need to get absolutely the best healing outcomes.

Your treatment plan will always by highly personalised by your therapist. Your sessions won’t be the same from one to the other, nor will they be the same as someone else. This is because lymphatic drainage massage London is all about the flow of your lymphatic fluid and working around the excess your body can cope with expelling. This could be entirely different between appointments.


What's the point of compression garments?

When you have cosmetic surgery, your goals are all focussed around looking your best. Compression garments go a huge way towards helping this. Their aims are simple, minimise swelling in the area, whilst being effective at giving your skin a natural finish by allowing it to re-set back in the correct position.

The difference between a good and bad plastic surgery procedure can all be in the aftercare.


Is lymphatic drainage massage London covered on insurance?

It’s unlikely that insurance will cover these hrs, most only cover deep tissue massage or Swedish massage. Which we will also cover as part of your treatment plan as and when required.


Why is lymphatic drainage massage London so important?

We’ve written a lot about this, so check out our blog where you’ll be inundated with information. However, in a nutshell, your lymphatic system removes waste from your body. When you have an injury such as surgery, you swell because this is how, e.g. the anaesthetic and toxins from the healing properties your blood floods the area with, are disposed of.

But, your lymph vessels are so tiny. Really fragile and so not only are they damaged during vaser lipo, but they are also so thin that they can’t process the fluid without some kind of manual pumping. This is what we do. We help you have as little water retention as possible.

In turn this reduces post surgical complications such as infection by strengthening your immune system. Remove lumps with our specialist equipment and massage — which can be extremely stubborn. And return you to that light feeling from that general sense of being heavy.


Are you just one MLD therapist?

In Central London, yes. But we are a friendly team of two, husband and wife, therapists the other being based in Romford Essex.

This is great, as we’ve seen double the amount of patients over the years, and can put our knowledge together to bring you the best possible results. We pride ourselves on being professional and helpful, as well as combining hands on and accredited MLD qualifications. Therefore our reviews (see below) speak for themselves and why we’re recommended by prestigious surgeons from London’s Harley Street and Knightsbridge clinics.

lymphatic drainage massage London

Did you know?

That the strength of lymphatic drainage massage London is documented. They have proven these massages to improve your recovery time from up to 18 months down to just a few weeks. And within the first week, you’ll already be feeling way better.

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I feel like my compression garment is restricting my circulation, is this normal?

This can be a common complaint. We’ll regularly check your suit to make sure it is the optimal fit. It’s not enough to just do this at your initial appointment as your size changes. And often these changes are fast. A poorly fitting compressive can result in poor results.


Where does lymphatic drainage massage London work?

We use gentle MLD hand movements, deep oscillation and/ or any number of other techniques to ensure your lymphatic nodes don’t become overloaded and continue to drain the fluid. So for instance, we’ll work behind your knee even though you’ve had work on your abs. Including your entire body means that we don’t just flush waste from one part of your system to another, but instead that we actually expel it.


I look like I've got cellulite where I've had the vaser lipo

This can happen, and it’s difficult to prevent. But don’t be alarmed. We’re used to freeing this sticky tissue up for you with our complementary techniques.

MLD benefits & why you need it Karen Central London near Harley Street & Essex
lymphatic drainage massage London

How many courses of treatment will I need?

Each doctor has their own opinion on how many you will need. The consensus is that you’ll need a minimum of 6. Each session is an hour. The rest is down to how well you heal. This may be enough, or you may need more.

We can do a consultation with you at the end of your bookings to see whether you need to extend your courses. Luckily, we’re experienced and therefore knowledgeable on how a situation is progressing as our practice has been around for over ten years. This is how me and our staff have helped so many amazing patients get the results they deserve from their aftercare.

lymphatic drainage massage London



Can I go running after this?

Always speak to your surgeon, but we will also keep an eye on you. Running is a step too far, although we do advocate general movement as being a brilliant aid to your healing. We’ll guide you through the different stages, but don’t expect to walk out of the surgeons reception and straight into the gym, this is a process.


What exercises can I do then?

Your consultant will typically each have their own advice on this, but we can help you with some exercises that will be both healing and strengthening as your body heals. Exercise is fantastic, but it must be appropriate to what your body can comfortably deal with. Completion of a hike may do you more harm than a gentle dog walk in the beginning, but later on, you’ll find you naturally need more.


Can I fly after surgery?

Many people take international travel to get their surgery, so will then take a flight back to the UK just a few days following their operation.

However, it’s not advised if you can avoid it because the air pressure changes your body’s ability to be able to get rid of the waste cells.

But, you’re in luck because lymphatic drainage massage London are used to sorting out the aftermath of international travel!

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We’re just one minute from the closest tube station and within five to ten of several other lines in the heart of Central London near Harley Street.

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