If you’re dealing with hot flashes it can be uncomfortable, not to say inconvenient. Below is some research to show how complementary therapies such as reflexology can help to improve the side effects of this hormonal imbalance and thus improve the quality of your life.
Dr. Emad Tukmachi MBChB recently published a research paper to treating hot flushes in breast cancer sufferers with complementary therapies such as reflexology and body massage which work alongside Western remedies.
He covered a number of things that can aid treatment and symptoms of hot flushes in breast cancer sufferers, because amongst other symptoms, these flushes can often be more severe in women who have been treated for breast cancer compared with healthy women, they have hot flushes twice as often and for longer periods of time. As do men who have been treated for prostate cancer.
Factors in hot flashes
Dr Tukmachi also listed a number of factors that precipitate hot flushes:
*hot foods
*lack of fitness/ exercise
*an unhealthy diet.
Options for dealing with hot flushes
As far as assisting Western medicine, Dr Tukmachi recommended a number of options which had one of two common threads:
* Re-
* Relaxing the patient so their body has every chance of fixing itself. Therefore, patients have several choices of methods used in relaxation. Dr Tukmachi listed, Acupressure, the Alexander technique, Body Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu and Yoga.
Paper written by Dr. Emad Tukmachi MBChB, DTM(Dublin), PhD(London), MD(MA)
Paper written on 23 December 2009
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