Are you looking for a way to turn back the clock on your skin? If so, you need to try the iPRF facial.

iPRF stands for Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin, and it’s a revolutionary new treatment that uses your own blood to rejuvenate your skin. So using this as a facial means that we are allowing the skin in your face to look smoother and younger with fewer lines and wrinkles.

How does iPRF facial work?

During an iPRF facial, a small amount of your blood is drawn as it would be with the older but better known PRP facial. We then spin this in a centrifuge, again as we would for PRP, but the technique we use to do this is different. The result is then that we separate the platelets.

We then inject these platelets back into your skin, where they release growth factors that stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. This helps to improve the skin’s elasticity, firmness, and texture, and it can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We cover how and why this happens later.

What are the benefits of iPRF facials?

  • Minimally invasive, so there’s no downtime. And when you combine this with red light LED therapy, then you will be only mildly pink by the time you leave after your treatment.
  • Uses your own blood, so there’s no risk of rejection.
  • Effective for a variety of skin conditions, including ageing, acne, scarring, and hair loss.
  • Can produce long-lasting results-longer than PRP, see below.
Why is iPRF better than PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a similar treatment that also uses your own blood to rejuvenate your skin. However, iPRF is a newer and more advanced version of PRP.

iPRF uses a centrifugation technique that separates the platelets from the plasma more effectively than PRP. This results in a higher concentration of platelets in the iPRF, so it’s more effective at stimulating collagen production and improving skin health.

In addition, iPRF therapy is less likely to cause bruising and redness than PRP. This makes it a better choice for people who are looking for a treatment with minimal downtime.

If you’re considering an anti-aging treatment, iPRF is the better choice. It’s more effective, safer, and has less downtime than PRP.

So what are you waiting for? Contact a skin care professional such as us at Essential Feeling today to learn more about iPRF facials. We’re on 07757 946023.

Why platelets are more effective at stimulating collagen than PRP

Platelets are tiny blood cells that contain growth factors. These growth factors are responsible for stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin, which are the proteins that give skin its strength, elasticity, and firmness.

PRP is a blood derivative that contains a high concentration of platelets. However, the concentration of platelets in PRP can vary depending on the method used to prepare it. iPRF is a newer and more advanced version of PRP that uses a centrifugation technique to separate the platelets from the plasma more effectively. This results in a higher concentration of platelets in the iPRF, which means that it’s more effective at stimulating collagen production.

In addition, iPRF is less likely to cause bruising and redness than PRP. This makes it a better choice for people who are looking for a treatment with minimal downtime.

So, if you’re looking for an anti-aging treatment that can help to improve the appearance of your skin, iPRF is the better choice. It’s more effective, safer, and has less downtime than PRP.

Here are some of the key points to rememberiPRF facial
  • Platelets contain growth factors that stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin.
  • PRP is a blood derivative that contains a high concentration of platelets.
  • iPRF is a newer and more advanced version of PRP that uses a centrifugation technique to separate the platelets from the plasma more effectively.
  • iPRF is more effective at stimulating collagen production than PRP.
  • upriver facial is less likely to cause bruising and redness than PRP facial

What’s the role of fibrins in iPRF facials?

Fibrin is a protein that helps to form clots and repair tissues. It is also a carrier for growth factors, which are proteins that stimulate cell growth and repair.

In PRP, the platelets are separated from the plasma using a centrifuge. This process can damage the platelets and reduce the amount of growth factors that they release.

In iPRF, the platelets are separated from the plasma using a different centrifugation speed. This process preserves the platelets and allows them to release more growth factors.

The additional growth factors in iPRF make it more effective at stimulating collagen production and improving the appearance of the skin.

In addition, the fibrin in iPRF helps to create a scaffold for the new collagen to grow on. This makes the results of iPRF more lasting than PRP.

Text us on 07757 946023 to book your iPRF facial in Central London and Romford, Essex today.