When trying to conceive (TTC), understanding your fertile window and as such your fertile days is crucial.

This brief period each month represents your peak fertility and offers the best chance of pregnancy. But what if you could expand this window and enhance your overall fertility? Enter the concept of “fertility bandwidth.”

What is Your Fertile Window?

Your fertile window typically spans about 6 days each month – the 5 days leading up to ovulation and the day of ovulation itself[1]. During this time, your chances of conceiving are highest, with the 3 days immediately before ovulation being the most fertile[2].

Expanding Your Fertility Bandwidth

While the fertile window is biologically fixed, the concept of Karen Botha’s fertility bandwidth looks at optimising your overall reproductive health. This means that when you hit your fertile days, your chances of conception are massively increased because your body is already in the optimal state to conceive and grow a baby full term.

If your body doesn’t have enough resource left to grow a baby, it makes no difference how hard you try to get pregnant during your fertile window, it simply won’t happen. Or if it does, your body won’t have the energy to sustain that baby and its growth and so you will by default, miscarry.

It sounds harsh, and the reality of it is what leads my ladies to come to me in utter desperation, tissues in hand, their hearts aching with repeated loss. But it really doesn’t need to be this way.

By addressing these areas in my simple fertility bandwidth formula, you can improve your fertility outside of your peak fertile days.

Identifying Your Fertile Days

To pinpoint your fertile days:

1. Track your menstrual cycle: Ovulation typically occurs 14 days before your next period[3].
2. Monitor cervical mucus: Look for clear, slippery mucus resembling egg whites[3].
3. Use ovulation predictor kits: These can detect the surge in luteinizing hormone that precedes ovulation[3].

Maximising Your Fertility Bandwidth

To expand your fertility bandwidth there are a few things you can do.

1. Maintain a balanced diet rich in fertility-boosting nutrients.
2. Manage stress through relaxation techniques or mindfulness practices.
3. Ensure quality sleep to support hormonal balance.
4. Engage in moderate exercise to promote overall health.
5. Minimize exposure to environmental toxins.

However, the joy in the fertility bandwidth program is that we pinpoint exactly what is going on in your body and we react accordingly. So if you have endometriosis, we will recommend the endo fertility formula which could be entirely different to if you’re suffering with PCOS.

And then we drill down again, so take the endometriosis example. We all have differing symptoms. So mine could be that I have painful periods which result in me being out of action socially for x amount of days during the month. You on the other hand, may be suffering all month around with a lack of flexibility which hinders blood flow. Your fertility bandwidth system will be different.


While focusing on your fertile window is important, expanding it’s your fertility bandwidth which whilst a simple 1.2. 3. process will have the most resounding effect on your chances of conception throughout your cycle.

By taking a holistic approach to your reproductive health, you’re creating an optimal environment for pregnancy, even outside your peak fertile days.

Remember, every woman’s cycle is unique. If you’re having trouble conceiving or have irregular cycles, feel free to reach out for my fertility bandwidth program.

[1] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/calculating-your-monthly-fertility-window
[2] https://www.britishfertilitysociety.org.uk/fei/when-are-women-men-most-fertile/
[3] https://www.yourfertility.org.au/everyone/timing
[4] https://www.health.com/best-fertility-monitors-6951641
[5] https://www.dexeus.com/blog/en/fertility/fertile-days-myths-and-truths/