Are you looking to speed up your muscle strain or tear recovery time? Whether you’re an athlete striving to get back in the game or someone dealing with persistent muscle discomfort, reducing recovery time is key. Discover the potent combination of iPRF treatment and deep tissue massage – a dynamic duo that can significantly expedite your muscle strain and tear recovery time in the UK.

Unlocking the Secrets of iPRF

Let’s start by unraveling the power of iPRF, or Injection Platelet Rich Fibrins. This remarkable treatment involves using your own blood plasma, concentrated with platelets and growth factors.

Platelets are crucial for clotting, while growth factors stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. When injected into your muscles, iPRF becomes a powerful catalyst for pain relief, inflammation reduction, and enhanced muscle function – all of which are essential for a faster recovery.

Synergising iPRF with Deep Tissue Massage

Now, picture combining this superhero treatment with a deep tissue massage. This is where the magic happens. Deep tissue massages are renowned for their ability to target stubborn knots and tight muscles, using focussed pressure to break down adhesions and release built-up tension.

But when combined with iPRF, the results are even more remarkable.

1. Unparalleled Pain Relief

By pairing iPRF with your deep tissue or sports massage, you can experience pain relief like never before. The precise injections of iPRF can target the exact areas of discomfort while the massage therapist’s expert hands work in tandem. Together, they provide an exceptional level of soothing relief, helping you feel revitalised.

2. Beating Inflammation

Inflammation often prolongs muscle strain and tear recovery time. However, iPRF’s anti-inflammatory properties, coupled with the deep tissue massage, can effectively combat inflammation. Bid farewell to swelling and welcome improved mobility.

3. Turbocharged Muscle Recovery

Your muscles will thank you for choosing this dynamic duo. iPRF accelerates healing and tissue regeneration, perfectly complementing the deep tissue massage’s ability to flush out toxins and enhance circulation.

The outcome? Speedier muscle recovery and enhanced performance. So no more wondering about how to speed up muscle strain recovery.

Why Choose This Approach?

Don’t wait to discover the transformative potential of iPRF treatment and deep tissue massage for reducing muscle strain and tear recovery time. Whether you’re rehabilitating an injury or aiming to bounce back swiftly, this combination can be your secret weapon.

In the UK, where staying active is a way of life for many, optimising recovery time is essential. By investing in these treatments, you’re not just booking appointments; you’re investing in your overall well-being and ensuring you can return to your active lifestyle faster.

How long does it take for a pulled muscle to heal

The length of time it takes for a pulled muscle to heal can vary depending on the severity of the injury. A mild pulled muscle may take 2-4 weeks to heal, while a more severe pulled muscle may take 6-8 weeks or even longer.

However, combining deep tissue massage and iPRF injections can help to speed up the healing process. Deep tissue massage can help to break up scar tissue and improve blood flow to the injured area, while iPRF injections can help to deliver growth factors that promote healing.

A study by Bhatia et al. (2017) found that deep tissue massage and iPRF injections were effective in reducing pain and improving function in patients with hamstring injuries. The study found that the combination treatment shortened the recovery time by an average of 2.5 weeks.

The science behind how iPRF helps Accelerate Muscle Strain and Tear Recovery Time with iPRF and Deep Tissue Massage

iPRF, or Injection Platelet Rich Fibrins, is a cutting-edge medical treatment that can work wonders in expediting muscle strain and tear recovery time.

Backed by extensive research, iPRF operates by harnessing the healing potential of your own blood plasma, rich in platelets and growth factors. Platelets play a pivotal role in blood clotting, while growth factors stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. When strategically injected into the affected muscles, iPRF becomes a catalyst for accelerated healing.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that iPRF promotes rapid tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation, and enhances overall muscle function. This powerful combination of properties is the key to its effectiveness in reducing muscle strain and tear recovery time. So, if you’re looking to get back to your active lifestyle in the UK as quickly as possible, iPRF is a game-changer worth considering.

READ: plasma rich platelet

Still asking how to speed up muscle strain recovery?

A study by Wright-Carpenter et al. (2013) found that PRF injections helped to reduce pain and improve muscle function in patients with muscle strain injuries. The study also found that PRF injections shortened the recovery time by an average of 6.6 days in muscle strain treatment.

Another study by Bubnov et al. (2016) found that PRF injections were effective in treating Achilles tendinopathy. The study found that PRF injections reduced pain and improved function in patients with Achilles tendinopathy.

So people often ask, how long does it take for a pulled muscle to heal?, but the real question is, how fast can I get my muscle strain to heal. Because there are viable solutions to speeding up the process.

I’ve pulled muscle in leg, does this work?

It doesn’t matter where you’ve pulled your muscle, we can help with this iPRF injection. So, stop asking why do i strain muscles so easily? and just know that we can help.

So, why delay? It doesn’t matter if you are looking at torn muscle vs pulled muscle, iPRF works for both. As does deep tissue massage which in the case of a torn muscle we will use to alleviate the tension in the muscle and surrounding fascia to minimise long term knock on effects of the tear. iPRFis the perfect muscle strain treatment when used in conjunction with deep tissue massage.

Text to book 07941 668456

Take the leap and schedule your iPRF treatment and deep tissue massage now to accelerate your muscle strain and tear recovery time. Your muscles will appreciate it, and you’ll be back to your activities in no time, all while adhering to the UK’s standards for efficient muscle recovery.

How do I book my iPRF and deep tissue massage in Romford, Essex?

To book your session, simply text us today on 07941 668456 telling us that you’d like the combined treatments and where you would like your injections. Note, if you take iPRF at the same time as a massage treatment, then the price will be massively reduced as this is usually a really expensive treatment, but we prefer to use it to help our patients recover and therefore make it financially reachable.