Surprising causes of lower back pain

Surprising causes of lower back pain

Many of our client’s who come to us for deep tissue massage are suffering with lower back pain. We treat approximately 80% of those by working a different area to where they are experiencing pain. This is because the muscles, tissues and ligaments in your body are all...
Christmas gifts for couples

Christmas gifts for couples

Healthy Christmas gifts for couples If you’re looking to the stars, searching for inspiration for the perfect Christmas gifts for couples with wellness ideas as a theme, then stop. Let us help you out. This beautiful elemental gift experience is one of time. Of...


You’ve just had your endometriosis diagnosis and finally, you have a reason. Something to hang your hat on for all the painful periods and gut wrenching sex. But what is endometriosis? Hormones cause endometriosis. We have tissue which is sticky so that when we are...