Reflexology vs acupuncture

Reflexology vs acupuncture

Many people have heard of acupuncture. But, they’re still asking what’s the difference between reflexology vs acupuncture? Both modalities have their origins in traditional Chinese medicine and although both are similar in the sense they alternative therapies, or as...
Reflexology and back pain.

Reflexology and back pain.

Real life results supported by accredited research. When I tell people that as a reflexologist, I have experience in using reflexology to reduce back pain, they think I’ve lost the plot. But, it’s true. I have clients come to me who are unable to move because...
Understanding grief

Understanding grief

The role of a therapist is to build a relationship with the other person so they can gain an understanding of grief for that person and find healthy ways for them to express their grief. Grief is invisible and people will be told that they look well, but underneath...
The phases of grief

The phases of grief

Before we get into the phases of grief, it’s important to understand, what is a bereavement? Bereavement can be defined as the loss of someone close to you, or the loss of a loved one. The grief experienced is the response to that loss. So in this context grief...