Trigger point therapy.

Trigger point therapy.

All our customers come to us with a pain, without understanding trigger point therapy. This means that they expect us to work the area where they are feeling discomfort and fix it, a little like you stubbing your toe and immediately rubbing it. But the body is a...
What do toxins look like?

What do toxins look like?

We talk a lot about the effects of toxins and there are plenty of national reports about them conducted by well meaning technical researchers who write in a language we barely understand; but we never really talk about what do toxins look like. So here goes. Hold on...
Massage near me

Massage near me

It’s difficult finding a massage near me. You’re never sure who is professionally approved or on the other side of the equation, who offers massage along with a whole lot more! Well, look no further. Charlton offers professional massage. He’s ITEC qualified,...