What do toxins look like?

What do toxins look like?

We talk a lot about the effects of toxins and there are plenty of national reports about them conducted by well meaning technical researchers who write in a language we barely understand; but we never really talk about what do toxins look like. So here goes. Hold on...
Reflexology and back pain.

Reflexology and back pain.

Real life results supported by accredited research. When I tell people that as a reflexologist, I have experience in using reflexology to reduce back pain, they think I’ve lost the plot. But, it’s true. I have clients come to me who are unable to move because...
Effects of stress on health

Effects of stress on health

Imagine sitting in traffic and you’re late for an important meeting, or for picking the kids up from school. How stressed does that make you feel? These are the effects of stress on health. The fact that it makes you feel anything means that stress has an emotional...
Ovulation calculator

Ovulation calculator

Your internal and free ovulation calculator First, though, some background, what is conception? Fertilisation happens when an egg from a female and the sperm from a male meet. This combined force is what produces an embryo.  Conception is when that embryo implants in...