Living with cancer can be tough. Particularly when you’re suffering with peripheral neurpathy. Reflexology in the management of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: A pilot randomized controlled trial Author links open overlay panel Seda Kurta Gul Beyaz Canb
• Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) can limit a patient’s quality of life functions.
• Reflexology increases the level of the quality of life functions related to CIPN.
• Reflexology can be recommended to the patients.
Abstract Purpose
The current experimental study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology on the management of symptoms and functions of chemotherapy-
This study was conducted as a randomized controlled trial in 60 patients (30 experimental and 30 control patients) who had chemotherapy-
The majority of the patients were being treated for gastrointestinal or breast cancer and were primarily receiving Eloxatine-
It was determined that reflexology is an effective method in the management of patients’ sensory functions related to CIPN.
Elsevier European Journal of Oncology Nursing Volume 32, February 2018, Pages 12-
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