Radio frequency facial before and after crow’s feet treatment
Radio frequency facial before and after shots are important, because the results seem too good to be true. Until you see them with your own eyes.
We all get to a certain age and we don’t like the way the loose skin on our neck now sags, or our jowls elongate, seemingly overnight. And let’s not get started on our double chin. Or the bags under our eyes or creases on our forehead.
Sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines are common problems because of genetic damage or light caused by sun exposure. Over time, collagen and elastin, two components of the skin, break down and cause the skin to lose its elasticity.
It’s a reality where models are air brushed and social media is king, that we want to care for our aesthetic appearance with combined therapies that both reduce fat and tighten skin.
For sure, Botox and other injectable fillers may be effective for some of these issues such as crow’s feet, or fine lines and wrinkles. But, they don’t work for everything. And the downside of these is also that your expressive ability takes a nosedive in the name of vanity.
RF therapy addresses these downsides by literally rolling back the clock on your skin composition. Book your session by texting us on 07757 946023 today
If you want to further enhance your treatment, then we can also work with Lemon Bottle fat dissolving injections, an all natural solution. This can be as a stand alone treatment or an add on to enhance the effects of radiofrequency.
For skin tightening, then your option is to add on microneedling and electroporation with iPRF or PRP.
If you would like a less invasive solution, then research our face massages, which are surprisingly beneficial – it’s amazing what can be done now as research evolves.
Who does radio frequency work best on?
The non-ablative procedure is most effective on middle-aged people wanting to correct skin laxity. After this the effects are not as effective. Look at the multiple radio frequency facial before after photos.
The benefits of high-frequency facial RF treatments use heat to damage tissue under the epidermis without negatively affecting the external appearance of the skin. Patients may notice skin tightening immediately after treatment.
Other patients may experience results within six months of initial treatment or need several procedures before they notice any effects.
And with proper skin care, results take two to three years.
Radio frequency facial before and after neck and chest treatment
Periorbital skin tightening
We can apply RF skin tightening to the eyelids to reduce skin laxity. We protect the eyes from radio frequency energy with special contact lenses used during non-invasive surgery.
Sometimes, they may use a local anesthetic in the periorbital area. RF facial rejuvenation around the eyes does not produce downtime and little or no risk of negative side effects.
Patients can expect mild-to-moderate improvement in the skin’s tightness of the eyelids. RF firming facial treatments of the forehead and eyebrow are effective in increasing the eyebrow line.
The procedure tightens the skin to remove the eyebrows from the middle of the pupillary line or from the center of the eye. The non-invasive process also gives the eyebrow a more natural and crisp angle.
RF cheek lift treatments can tighten loose skin in the cheek area. The surface of a person’s heavy or sagging skin under the cheeks may reduce after radiofrequency treatment.
Nasolabial folds, indentations on both sides of the nose, commonly called smile or smile lines, are also effectively treated. In fact, hardening of nasolabial folds after RF skin therapy is one of the most dramatic observations found by researchers. Facial rejuvenation of the cheeks by high frequency skin tightening is safe for all skin types.
Studies have shown that skin laxity on the cheeks and neck improves in 96% of patients after treatment.
There are a lot of positive reviews of high-frequency facials. They are considered safe and effective in tightening the skin, improving the appearance of wrinkles and reducing the size of pores.
However, several people have reported fat loss on the face after high-frequency treatments. It is important to understand potential side effects of high-frequency tightening. After all, you don’t want to end up with a treatment that could not address what you’re looking for in terms of outcomes. This is why we always give you 100% honesty in these posts. The last thing we want is for you to have unrealistic expectations about being able to shift 4stone when really it’s just pockets. Liposuction is always the best option if you want a lot of weight shifting. If this is your goal, have a look at the surgeons we work with as a starting point for some good ones.
Now there is no anti-aging or cosmetic treatment without risk of side effects. Whether these are common side effects (such as light redness and swelling) or less common side effects (such as facial fat loss), some people will experience them.
Therefore, you should consider these risks before proceeding with treatment. They widely advertise radiofrequency treatments as safe “non-surgical facelifts” and promise firmer, younger looking skin. They are a non-invasive anti-aging treatment that is marketed to people who want minimal recovery time. All of this is true. And we can often perform radiofrequency treatments during a “lunch break”, making them more attractive to people with busy lifestyles.
Why do some people experience facial fat loss after high-frequency tightening?
To answer this question, we first need to know how high-frequency treatments work.
How is radiofrequency used as an anti-aging tightening?
Radio frequency facial before and after chin treatment
We often use radiofrequency as a non-ablative skin rejuvenation. Non-ablative treatments improve the appearance of the skin by causing a reaction to skin cells without damaging the epidermis.
They cause a low-level thermal reactions in the dermis, which promotes a reaction to wound repair In order to repair what our body sees as an injury, it increases and sends collagen and elastin to the area. But, where there is no wound to heal, these are then not needed and so hang around in the targeted treatment area, improving the appearance and tone of our skin.
The treatment warms the lower levels of the skin, causing minor damage and causing the body to “cure” this damage. This process is called thermolysis. This is the term given for the division of a substance by heat. Although high frequency energy has long been used for various medical purposes including our very own machine, the ProMax Lipo which is used by the NHS, its use as a skin tightening treatment is much more recent.
Radiofrequency energy has been successfully used to tighten the skin of the face and abdomen, as well as other parts of the body.
How does it work?
High frequency treatments heat the deepest dermis between 65°C and 75° in a controlled manner without heating the epidermis in such a way that it can cause damage. This temperature alters the natural properties of collagen in the dermis and allows the production and transformation of collagen, as well as immediate skin tightening.
Do high-frequency treatments tighten the skin?
An FDA-approved radiofrequency ultrasound treatment to treat eye wrinkles in 2002 and complete facial treatment in 2004 is Thermage. FDA approval was based on a comprehensive study that examined the ability of treatment to reduce eye wrinkles in 79 women and 7 men. In this study, a single high-frequency heat treatment reduced wrinkles in the eye area and increased the eyebrow area without damaging the epidermis.
This shows a heat-induced tensioning effect that became more pronounced over time, which is consistent with a thermal wound healing reaction.
Other studies support the benefits of high-frequency treatments during the brow lift. For example, in a study of 24 patients treated with Thermage, there was a remarkable effect of eyebrow lifting. However, when asked, most patients did not feel like they had improved with treatment.
Professionals offering the treatment refer to Thermage’s high-frequency rejuvenation as “non-surgical facelift” although the manufacturing company resolutely rejects this claim.
These statements are misleading and patients expecting results similar to surgery will end up disappointed. Besides misleading claims, non-ablative high-frequency rejuvenation treatments show a promising ability to tighten the skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
What are the other options?
If you’re seeking quicker and more prominent results right from the start, consider combining your radiofrequency face lift with microneedling. Our cutting-edge electroporation device ensures that the serum penetrates your cells directly, which means we can get the serum directly into your cells, rather than leaving half of them floating around your tissues for expelling through our lymphatic system.
For an even greater enhancement in the effects of microneedling, incorporating PRF or PRP replaces the serum with your body’s own healing properties. This not only accelerates skin tightening but also provides long-lasting results for a naturally rejuvenated appearance.
What are the risks of high frequency treatment?
Although radiofrequency is generally considered a safe and effective skin tightening treatment, some patients may continue to experience unwanted side effects, such as second-degree burns, headaches, scarring, swelling, and loss of fat on the face. Although these side effects are unusual, and to be fair, this is also more prevalent in people using home devices as they are not properly trained and the equipment they use isn’t anywhere near of the technical level of what we use at Essential Feeling. That said, the theory is robust and these side effects could happen.
Facial fat loss
This is because the volume of facial fat naturally decreases with age and is one of the internal reasons we seem to age. Therefore, it seems counterproductive for a rejuvenating treatment to reduce tissue that provides a more youthful look. In one case, a 57-year-old woman was given a high-frequency facial treatment to treat mild sagging skin. A month after treatment, the patient developed facial fat loss with visible depression of the skin on her cheeks. The client’s skin depressions were then treated with skin massage, which led to an 80% improvement in the appearance of facial fat loss after one year.
They observed another case of radiofrequency facial fat loss in a 56-year-old woman who suffered a skin depression in both temples two months after treatment. This occurred as a result of overheating by radiofrequency energy, which is something we can’t do with the machine that we use and why the home machines are often more of a risk.
Should I use a radio frequency device at home?
They can use high frequency skin tightening devices at home from home for skin rejuvenation and body contouring. These home devices provide less energy waves than those in our clinic.
As a result, they should be used daily or weekly to adjust skin tightening results comparable to a single or biennial visit to our clinic. High-frequency machines at home cost between £30 and £1,000, making them more affordable, but the commitment to electricity and the time to see results deserve consideration. Professional RF providers, as we are at Essential Feeling, are trained to perform expert-led treatments that minimise the potential risks associated with the procedure.
How does heat lead to fat loss?
The adipose tissue has a high electrical resistance and can be heated more freely than the dermis. In fact, it is estimated that when heated by radiofrequency devices, the temperature of the fat can increase seven times the dermis when heated by radiofrequency devices, the heat generated by radio frequency devices due to Ohm’s law, where the natural resistance of the tissue to the movement of electrons within a high frequency generates heat relative to the amount of electricity and time.
Skin structures with greater resilience are more susceptible to warming and, therefore, damage and injuries, so we find that dark skins have better results. However, during treatment, an RF skin tightening machine sends alternate currents from the tip of an electrode with a frequency of between 1MHz (multipolar) and 2MHz (bipolar) to the tissue.
The role of melanin
This process avoids the amount of melanin pigment present in the outer layer of the skin, which makes the treatment effective for all skin types and colors. We often evaluate the pain caused on a five-point pain scale, with zero equal without pain and four equals an excruciating level of pain. Most patients undergoing RF skin treatments rate pain to a level of one, and the rest report a pain level of two. Clients often remark the bipolar facial sessions upon as being ‘relaxing’.
Sometimes, these negative side effects can be avoided if there are lower treatment settings, which is part of why we love our Lynton machine so much. It is foolproof and developed by highly specialist team of physicists who also work in tandem with the University of Manchester. It’s good enough for the NHS!
Book your appointment now: Radio Frequency skin tightening and fat loss; the right therapy for you.
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