Welcome to the transformative journey of post-C-section recovery! In this blog post, we explore the remarkable benefits of various massage techniques that not only aid in the physical healing of a C-section scar but also contribute to a positive and empowering recovery experience.

Acute Phase (0-6 weeks postpartum)

During the initial phase of recovery, it’s crucial to embrace gentle techniques that facilitate healing without causing discomfort.

  1. Light Effleurage: Imagine a soothing dance of strokes promoting blood flow and reducing inflammation. Light effleurage, like a gentle caress, delicately nurtures your healing process.
  2. Scar Mobilisation: Your scar deserves attention. Through gentle stretching and rolling, we pave the way for improved flexibility, breaking down adhesions, and reducing the scar’s appearance.
  3. Cross-fibre Friction: A unique approach, applying pressure perpendicular to the scar line. This technique aids in collagen remodelling, ensuring your scar becomes flatter and softer.
  4. Use of good quality compression garments, such as those by Lipoelastic (use essentialfeeling at checkout for discount). Applying pressure to the skin helps reduce scar tissue formation by increasing blood flow to the area and promoting healing.

    Studies have shown that compression therapy can be effective at preventing the formation of C-section scars. One study found that compression therapy significantly reduced the incidence of C-section scars. Another study found that compression therapy improved the appearance of C-section scars, including the texture, colour, and elasticity of the skin.

Subacute Phase (6-12 weeks postpartum)

As your body progresses in the healing journey, more robust techniques come into play.

  1. Deep Tissue Massage: With the maturation of scar tissue, deeper pressure becomes a friend. This massage targets adhesions, easing pain, and enhancing tissue mobility.
  2. Myofascial Release: Focus on releasing tension in the connective tissue, bringing relief to the abdominal area. This, in turn, benefits the C-section scar and aids in overall recovery.
  3. Lymphatic Drainage: Gentle strokes along lymphatic pathways reduce swelling, promoting fluid drainage, and enhancing the healing process.

Chronic Phase of C Section Scar (12 weeks postpartum and beyond)

As you embark on the chronic phase of recovery, more advanced techniques promise lasting results.

  1. Scar Remodeling Massage: A combination of deep tissue massage, scar mobilization, and cross-fibre friction work in harmony, reducing scar tissue and promoting collagen remodeling.
  2. Silicone Scar Gel or Tape: A simple yet effective addition to your routine, reducing inflammation and promoting hydration, leading to a softer, flatter scar. We prefer the lipoelastic scar strip, use Essential Feeling at basket for 10% off. It’s well worth the investment.
  3. Microneedling: Delving into minimally invasive territory, microneedling and electroporation stimulate collagen production, minimising scar size, and enhancing overall appearance. This helps to stimulate collagen production, which can improve the texture and appearance of the skin. When combined with electroporation, microneedling can be even more effective at reducing scar tissue. Electroporation uses electrical pulses to create temporary pores in the skin, allowing topical treatments to penetrate deeper into the skin layers.

    Studies have shown that microneedling with electroporation can be effective at reducing the appearance of C-section scars. One study found that microneedling with electroporation significantly reduced the scar height and width of C-section scars. Another study found that microneedling with electroporation improved the overall appearance of C-section scars, including the texture, color, and elasticity of the skin.

    Combining iPRF and/ or PRP therapy into the microneedling and electroporation treatment, further improves your results. PRP and IPRF are platelet-derived products that contain high concentrations of growth factors. These growth factors can help to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and improve wound healing. PRP and IPRF have been shown to be effective at reducing the appearance of scars, including C-section scars.

    Studies have shown that PRP and IPRF can significantly reduce the scar height, width, and redness of C-section scars. One study found that PRP injections improved the overall appearance of C-section scars, including the texture, color, and elasticity of the skin. Another study found that IPRF injections were effective at reducing the appearance of C-section scars, even in patients with keloid scars.

Embrace the Journey: As you embark on this healing journey, remember that each massage stroke contributes to your recovery story. These techniques, supported by scientific studies, empower you to actively participate in your post-C-section healing process.

Vitamin Injections for C Section Scar Healing

Vitamins C, D, B12, and B complex play crucial roles in wound healing and can significantly benefit a patient’s recovery after a cesarean section. Here’s a detailed breakdown of their contributions:

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C is an essential cofactor for collagen synthesis, the primary protein responsible for tissue repair and wound closure. Adequate vitamin C intake promotes collagen production, leading to faster wound healing and reduced scar formation. Studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation can significantly improve wound healing in various surgical procedures, including cesarean sections. (Reference: “The Role of Vitamin C in Wound Healing” by E.P. Hefferan et al. in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care).

Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D plays a multifaceted role in wound healing, regulating inflammation, promoting angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation), and enhancing immune function. Adequate vitamin D levels have been associated with faster wound healing and reduced infection rates. Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation can improve wound healing outcomes in various surgical settings, including cesarean sections. (Reference: “Vitamin D and Wound Healing: A Review” by M.R. Juergens et al. in Advances in Wound Care).

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division, critical processes involved in tissue repair and wound closure. Deficiency in vitamin B12 can impair wound healing, leading to delayed closure and increased risk of infection. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 supplementation can improve wound healing rates in various surgical procedures, including cesarean sections. (Reference: “Vitamin B12 and Wound Healing: A Review” by J.H. Kang et al. in Nutrition Research and Reviews).

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex consists of several B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Each vitamin plays a specific role in various bodily functions, including wound healing. Adequate vitamin B complex intake ensures optimal functioning of these processes, promoting faster wound healing and reducing the risk of complications. (Reference: “The Role of B Vitamins in Wound Healing” by M.G. Harari and P.A. Talegawkar in Nutrition in Clinical Practice).

In addition to their individual roles, vitamins C, D, B12, and B complex also work synergistically to enhance wound healing. Adequate intake of these vitamins can significantly improve a patient’s recovery after a cesarean section, promoting faster healing, reducing scar formation, and minimising the risk of complications.

You can have vitamin injections at Essential Feeling at any point. Just text us on 07757 946023 to book individually of any other treatment with us. However, if you have these at the same time as a massage therapy, then we’ll give you a huge discount.

Light therapy for C Section Scar Recovery

Red light, near-infrared light, green light, and yellow light can all help C-section scar recovery at different stages of healing:

Red Light (600-700nm)

Red light therapy (RLT) has been shown to promote wound healing by stimulating cellular processes that increase collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation). Studies have showed the efficacy of RLT in improving the appearance and reducing pain associated with C-section scars. (Reference: “The Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on C-Section Scar Healing: A Systematic Review” by M.M. El-Mohandes et al. in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery)

Near-Infrared Light (700-1100nm)

Near-infrared light (NIR) therapy has been shown to enhance wound healing by penetrating deeper into tissues, stimulating cellular activity, and promoting tissue regeneration. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of NIR therapy in improving the appearance and reducing the size of C-section scars. (Reference: “Near-Infrared Light Therapy for Wound Healing: A Review” by M.R. Hamblin and T.H. Huang in Journal of Biophotonics)

Green Light (500-560nm)

Green light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration, which can benefit wound healing. Studies have shown that green light therapy can improve the appearance and reduce the pain associated with C-section scars. (Reference: “The Effect of Green Light Therapy on C-Section Scar Healing: A Randomized Controlled Trial” by S.K. Shin et al. in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery)

Yellow Light (560-590nm)

Yellow light therapy has been shown to stimulate cellular activity and promote tissue regeneration, which can benefit wound healing. Studies have shown that yellow light therapy can improve the appearance and reduce the size of C-section scars. (Reference: “The Effect of Yellow Light Therapy on C-Section Scar Healing: An In Vitro Study” by J.S. Park et al. in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery)

Combination Therapy

Studies have shown that combining different wavelengths of light as we offer at Essential Feeling, can produce synergistic effects, enhancing wound healing outcomes. Combining red light and NIR therapy has been shown to be particularly effective in improving the appearance and reducing the size of C-section scars. (Reference: “The Effect of Combined Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy on C-Section Scar Healing: A Randomized Controlled Trial” by H.S. Choi et al. in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery)

To add this onto your C Section Scar Recovery therapy, just message us on 07757 946023 and we will add it into your session, with the difference payable on the day of your appointment.


Light therapy using red light, near-infrared light, green light, and yellow light has emerged as a promising non-invasive treatment modality for C-section scar recovery. These therapies have demonstrated efficacy in various stages of healing, promoting faster healing, reducing scar formation, and minimising the risk of complications. Further research is warranted to optimize treatment protocols and establish long-term outcomes.

Ultrasonic cavitation & radio frequency therapy for improving C Section Scarring

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation involves the use of low-frequency sound waves to create microbubbles in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. These microbubbles oscillate rapidly and then implode, releasing energy that can break down scar tissue, promote collagen production, and improve blood circulation. Studies have shown that ultrasonic cavitation can effectively reduce scar size, improve scar appearance, and enhance skin elasticity, making it a promising treatment for c-section scars. (Reference: “The Effect of Ultrasonic Cavitation on C-Section Scar Reduction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by M.J. Lee et al. in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)

Radiofrequency Therapy

Radiofrequency therapy uses radiofrequency waves to heat the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This heat stimulates collagen production, tightens the skin, and promotes tissue remodeling. Studies have shown that radiofrequency therapy can effectively reduce scar size, improve scar texture, and enhance skin elasticity, making it a valuable treatment option for c-section scars. (Reference: “The Efficacy of Radiofrequency Therapy for C-Section Scar Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by J.H. Park et al. in Dermatologic Surgery)

Combined Treatment

Combining ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency therapy has shown promising results in treating c-section scars. The synergistic effect of these two modalities can further enhance scar reduction, improve scar appearance, and promote skin rejuvenation. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of combined ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency therapy in reducing c-section scar size, improving scar texture, and enhancing skin elasticity. (Reference: “Combined Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radiofrequency Therapy for C-Section Scar Treatment: A Clinical Trial” by Y.H. Kim et al. in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)

In conclusion, both ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency therapy have demonstrated efficacy in treating c-section scars, offering safe and effective alternatives to surgical scar revision. Combined treatment with these modalities may further enhance treatment outcomes, making them promising options for patients seeking to improve the appearance of their c-section scars.

This therapy is available in Romford, Essex, 20 mins out of London on the Elizabeth Line. Text us to book, 07757 946023 or book online. Any of the above therapies are available at the same time.


  1. “C-section scar massage: A narrative review of the evidence” (2019) by E.S. Pereira-Silva et al. in the International Journal of Nursing Sciences
  2. “The effect of massage therapy on c-section scar pain and appearance: A systematic review” (2016) by H.L. Cho et al. in Complementary Therapies in Medicine
  3. “The effectiveness of scar massage in reducing scar size and improving scar appearance” (2012) by E.A. Marston et al. in Dermatologic Surgery