Need a back massage therapist near me in Havering

Being a back massage therapist and doing back massage treatment generally is our bread and butter. We help our clients with their muscle pain day in, day out with our therapy on their damaged and tight muscles.

What is a back massage treatment?

It’s a kind of back massage that your therapist uses to help alleviate pain caused from tight muscles in your back, neck and shoulders. This may include a variety of techniques and pressure.

We could focus deep tissue massage on a spot or spots on your back/ body. Or as our therapists work on feel, they may decide that the perfect back massage treatment is something more general using gliding lighter pressure to ease tension over time.

It all depends on what you’re looking to get out of your session with your back massage therapist.

Here’s our quick guide:

*Chronic joint pain — we may use trigger point therapy to heal pain in your e.g. shoulder by pressing on the source of the problem at a different location to relieve the pain where you are feeling it. This can be surprising to experience pain in an area where you often don’t even know you have it.

*Lower back pain — often caused by tight gluteus maximus and your hip and often the type of massage treatment isn’t actually on your back, but your hamstrings in the back of your legs and buttocks (sacroiliac). This may include sciatica in which your sciatic nerve becomes trapped in tight muscles. Whilst this can be tender and sensitive, we may get away with deep pressure because we’re not working directly where you experience the pain. Your massage may therefore be more relaxing than you’re expecting.

*Stress or to relax — your back massage therapist will use their hands to smooth away knots in and around your spine with Swedish massage styles. We may use some deeper work in some areas where we find particular tension or adapt some stretching movements to help ease away tense spots and maximise how relaxed you feel.

*Localised swelling — particularly because of a healing syndrome post surgery or one of the common effects of limited mobility — we will us a gentle manual lymphatic massage treatment.

*Injuries caused from sports or other physical activities — it is common to pull a shoulder during e.g. training and you need to find a specialist back massage therapist who will adapt whatever treatment from their extensive massage experience to give you the best benefits.

*Pregnancy — many of our clients are pregnant, either in the early stages or their final trimester where their back is undergoing an inordinate amount of pressure. The aim may be to relax and prepare you for birth, or to release tightness in specific areas of your back, or over your entire back with strong slow massage strokes. Although this post is on back massage, we may also help you with wrist and pain in your thumbs from carpal tunnel.

Your back massage therapist in Gidea Park, Romford, Havering, is experienced in using their touch to define where your issues have started. They will track back to the source of the pain to give you the appropriate back massage treatment. We will check with you that the level of pressure we are suggesting and using is comfortable.

We won’t use deep tissue massages if we don’t think that they are the best for your health or condition.

This is because they are uncomfortable and there’s no point enduring a painful hour if there is no real benefit. Not many of our clients want a painful hour just for the sake of it!

Aftercare following your back massage treatment

We’ll always advise you on the different ways you can help yourself between sessions with stretches or other self care. And then of course, it’s always good to know about future prevention. We’re not like chiropractors who explain about you needing an excessive number of sessions in order to improve your condition. We want you to heal as fast as possible so that you recommend us to your friends. This is the lifeblood of our business.

One tip we’ll give you for free now because it applies to pretty much everyone who walks through our doors is that you need to drink enough water that your pee runs clear. This is because water is one of the key tools our body uses to flush away all the bad stuff that is stored. The water may be hot or cold, but please, drink it.

Water will also help your body heal from a strain. Or from the massage if you’ve had a deep tissue back massage treatment. It’s like the oil that maximises fluidity. We’re not wagging our fingers, but we want you to be better fast. It also helps avoid conditions in the future.

How to book a session with a specialist back massage therapist.

We have appointments 7 days a week. And they run from 7am to 10pm so we’re sure you’ll find some availability to suit your busy schedule. You can book online, you don’t need to worry about the massage styles. Just book a slot with our back massage therapist and when you arrive we’ll figure out what will give you the most lasting relief depending on your consultation form and our pre massage chat.

Book your treatment with your back massage therapist in Gidea Park, now.